Higher Self Vibrations Essential Oil Blend– Station Salon & Boutique
$45 Blowouts $15 Deep Conditioning Treatments May 12th Happy Mothers Day! $45 Blowouts-$15 Deep Conditioning Treatment May 12th
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Higher Self Vibrations Essential Oil Blend

As the scent opens the unmistakable aroma of Eucalyptus takes centre stage, transporting you to a tranquil forest, where the leaves sway in harmony with the breeze. The heart of the blend reveals a delicate balance between the cool, camphoraceous facets of eucalyptus and the subtle woody nuances that compliment its green top notes. A captivating aura that transcends time and space. The blend closes with a mystical dance of smoky and resinous notes, reminiscent of the sacred Palo Santo wood burning slowly, releasing its aromatic embrace.